Anna Hazare has finally been discharged from the Gurgaon hospital, where he spent four days undergoing medical treatment after his 12-day fast at Ramlila Maidan. This comes hours after Anna, for the first time after ending his fast, took solid diet on Wednesday as his condition further improved.
CEO and chairman of Medanta Medicity Naresh Trehan had said, "His condition is near normal. He has started taking dal-roti and khichidi (porridge).
Anna will reach Ralegan Siddi on thursday
CEO and chairman of Medanta Medicity Naresh Trehan had said, "His condition is near normal. He has started taking dal-roti and khichidi (porridge).
- Trehan said his blood-pressure was 140/90, which is normal, and his pulse rate was 80 per minute.
- Hazare has also gained 400 gms in the 24 hours and he now weighs 67 kg.
- The doctor said that ketones presence in his urine was normal and his liver, kidneys were functioning well.
Anna will reach Ralegan Siddi on thursday
Editor's view: I pray ALLAH, ISHWAR, CHRIST, GURUNANAK that he live a long life and could remain a non-elected leader of nation so that he could unite our diverse society again and again.