Collection of analysis includes:-
1)Why AAP deserves a Chance?
2)Is there any media?
3)Anna’s Hisar Play(At the end of page)Corrupts in Team Anna?(second last )3)what lokpal is without cbi?
Why AAP deserves a Chance?
Well its because of two basic reasons
First, its an alternative to BJP and congress who have been given various chances but they have given us disappointment in return...
Second, because of the structure i.e transparency and candidate selection procedure of AAP
Lets unroll both the basic reason to the complex reasoning....
I) Its true that nation is in dread need for a decent political alternative because the dual policy of BJP and congress and their allies have painted the country politics BLACK AND WHITE!Lets first define the term 'Black and White Politics'Its basically the politics which lacks 'colors'(or more formally choices) due to presence of limited parties or presence of multiple parties with limited ideologies. e.g in India we have lots of parties but these parties either have a BJPian ideology or that a CONGRESSIAN one...
So presently even if we have a lots of parties to chose from , we still have just two ideologies to chose i.e BJP and congress..SO when Congressian ideology is in rule it becomes the evil (or black) and BJPian ideology in opposition becomes the saint(white) and visa-versa!
AAP is definitely a pure alternative with no relation to BJPina or congressian ideology whatsoever
2)Another Big reason to Vote AAP is its
A) Transparency: AAP is presently the only party which keeps track of its donation gives
receipt for each donation made and uploads the data of donations on its website for public transparency.BJP and Congress are not even close to this sort of transparency.
B) Candidate selection procedure:While BJP and Congress and their allies selects their candidates in close rooms and with deals below the table and by heredity , AAP with acute contrast have an OPEN CANDIDATE SELECTION PROCEDURE in which" 100 voters of any assembly constituency can come together and propose the name of a person they wish to be the candidate for their constituency. "Then personal information of candidates is put up on website where people can suggest their views about the person.
Considering all the suggestions and that person has no criminal record.
AAP also oppose power gained by heredity and swears that no two people from same family will be given position in the party. Apart from the innovative candidate selection procedure, most of the candidates themselves are from among the REAL AAM ADMI (COMMON MAN)( SEE CANDIDATES LIST )
A Report by Aware me
First, its an alternative to BJP and congress who have been given various chances but they have given us disappointment in return...
Second, because of the structure i.e transparency and candidate selection procedure of AAP
Lets unroll both the basic reason to the complex reasoning....
I) Its true that nation is in dread need for a decent political alternative because the dual policy of BJP and congress and their allies have painted the country politics BLACK AND WHITE!Lets first define the term 'Black and White Politics'Its basically the politics which lacks 'colors'(or more formally choices) due to presence of limited parties or presence of multiple parties with limited ideologies. e.g in India we have lots of parties but these parties either have a BJPian ideology or that a CONGRESSIAN one...
So presently even if we have a lots of parties to chose from , we still have just two ideologies to chose i.e BJP and congress..SO when Congressian ideology is in rule it becomes the evil (or black) and BJPian ideology in opposition becomes the saint(white) and visa-versa!
2)Another Big reason to Vote AAP is its
receipt for each donation made and uploads the data of donations on its website for public transparency.BJP and Congress are not even close to this sort of transparency.
A Report by Aware me
Is there any media?
On 23rd March 2013 Kejrival began his fast against inflated power and water bills in Delhi.But most of the news channels didn't even informed the beginning of the fast.Spare the live coverage, there is not even the basic information of updates of fast projected on the channels.
If you are thinking that its because this is Kejrival's fast and not Anna's then hold your thoughts because the same thing happened in the July's fast last year when Team Anna was not dissolved and even Anna has participated in the fast.
In spite of giving coverage to the agitation media is still broadcasting the JIVINI(life story) of Sanjay Dutt who has been sentenced to 5 years jail in crime of keeping illegal weapons and helping in 1993 Membai blasts.
This ignorance of media towards a particular case is not even unfair but also unconstitutional because as per our constitution its the duty of media to publish or broadcast any event that is politically or socially important.
If you are thinking that its because this is Kejrival's fast and not Anna's then hold your thoughts because the same thing happened in the July's fast last year when Team Anna was not dissolved and even Anna has participated in the fast.
In spite of giving coverage to the agitation media is still broadcasting the JIVINI(life story) of Sanjay Dutt who has been sentenced to 5 years jail in crime of keeping illegal weapons and helping in 1993 Membai blasts.
This ignorance of media towards a particular case is not even unfair but also unconstitutional because as per our constitution its the duty of media to publish or broadcast any event that is politically or socially important.
If your think that our media is independent and cannot be influenced by someone to halt the coverage of certain event then you must again hold your thought, because if they are not slaves of some authority and cannot be forced then there is still an alternative to bribe them and shut their mouths.
Political lobbying is anther term that is used to link media with our politicians. Nira radia is and example of such lobbying.
Media nowadays is more about business and economy and less about social, political and moral reporting. Most of the news channels are owned by businessmen. This is only the case of India only, in fact it happens in most of the democratic countries.
Puppet players
A general question arises who are the people behind the stage controlling these TRP eaters.
When in 2012, once asked about Anna , Katju do said that he respects Anna as a honest man but doesn't support his "unscientific ideology" and campaign. If Chairman of Press Council doesn't likes such campaigns then reports on such campaigns can be easily supressed!
- Tycoons: "Give me money, I promise you silence" is the slogan of media for Tycoons
- Politicians: "With great power comes great approach" is the slogan of media for politicians
- TRP: "Coverage is directly proportional to TRP quotient"
When in 2012, once asked about Anna , Katju do said that he respects Anna as a honest man but doesn't support his "unscientific ideology" and campaign. If Chairman of Press Council doesn't likes such campaigns then reports on such campaigns can be easily supressed!
A Report by AWARE ME
Analysis: Team Anna joining politics
Janlokpal Bill Center(JLBC) Supports Team Anna's decision of giving a political alternative because government and even opposition will never give a desired and strong lokpal and other bill by themselves.Such anti-corruption bills can be sent to parliament by fasts but cannot be given direction inside the parliament to give bill the correct form because inside Sansad(parliment) politicians are the boss , and obviously why politicians of any party will pass strong version of a bill which is going to tackle political corruption! That's why
Giving Political Alternative will assure a more stable way of implementing the strong bill.
However, JLBC didn't like the way team Anna ended their indefinite fast, if they were going to give political alternative then they should not have started a fast till death , and as they started a fast till death they should not end it like this giving health reasons! We want Team Anna to be careful next time, because when they fast, public's emotions comes with them and if they will suspend their fasts like this then if will hurt people's emotions.
copyright Janlokpal Bill Center
Giving Political Alternative will assure a more stable way of implementing the strong bill.
However, JLBC didn't like the way team Anna ended their indefinite fast, if they were going to give political alternative then they should not have started a fast till death , and as they started a fast till death they should not end it like this giving health reasons! We want Team Anna to be careful next time, because when they fast, public's emotions comes with them and if they will suspend their fasts like this then if will hurt people's emotions.
copyright Janlokpal Bill Center
Federal Structure issue shadowed toothless condition of Lokayuktas
While many of the parties like BJP, CPM and Trinamool are opposing Chapter 3 from lokpal which is imposing Lokayukta bill on states saying that Lokayukta bill prepared by states will go in vein if center's Lokayukta bill is imposed on them. .{ Lokayukta in simple words is state-level Lokpal/corruption watchdog}
But this opposition has almost shadowed following poor facts about State Lokayuktas Bills
- Out of 28 states only 19 have Lokayukta instituted.
- Of 19 merely 3 lokayukta are OK(not even good)
- Most of the state lokayukta bills can't investigate Governer, Chef Minister and legislatures.
- Some lokayuktas like of Andhara Pradesh have been restricted to look into Government's procedural lapses and delays
- Recommendations made by institution are not accepted actively.
- In some states even Lokayuktas (investigators) are not appointed
- In W.Bengal the lokayukta only have two group D people as staff!
- In Karnataka, no one is holding the post
- Gujrat was not appointed with Lokayukta for eight years from 2003 until in 2011 Kamla Beniwal appointed issed an ouder
- In Rajasthan, lokayukta don't have investigation agency of its own
Only Uttrakhand have reasonable Lokyukta.
After all this opposition (who form government in states) are trying to defend such flawed and weak sate made lokayukta bills.
Its true that Feudal system should be respected but using it to defend flaws and corruption is quite different.This shows state government doesn't want to take pains to renew their flawed lokayukta bills or to set up new lokayuktas
Points from: India Today (Feb, 20)
what lokpal is without cbi?

According to recent steps by government it seems that Lokpal will behave just like a complaint filing institute.
- Lokpal will conduct preliminary(or initial) investigation into a corruption complaint and refer it to CBI for investigation.
- CBI would investigate the same and then forward the case to the directorate of public prosecution to be created under the supervision of Lokpal.
- Any suggestion by the Lokpal for prosecution should be accepted. A rejection, if any, should come either from the secretary of the department(lokpal) concerned or a higher authority.
- The committee outlined a structure that harmonises or coordinates the roles of the Central Bureau of Investigation, Central Vigilance Commission and Lokpal.
Problem is not that lokpal will undertake initial investigation but is that further investigation will be done by a institute which is promptly misused by any party in majority. If government does not want cbi under lokpal then its OK, but its is never good having government's control over cbi. So government should as a alternate solution to the situation at least take some steps to eradicate its own control over cbi. Because if Cbi will be free from any political control then we also don't need it under lokpal.
However if opposite happens and government doesn't its own control over cbi. (which is actually happening) then all that will happen is that we will have same cbi(under political control) and a Lokpal without enough power for investigation, so I ask governmet how will the investigation be transparent and non-prejudiced ?and in that way how is this lokpal powerful.
COMMENTS ARE WELCOME AS ITS A DEBATE concerned article!/vinayaksharmav
Corrupts in team Anna
Kiran Bedi and Arvind Khejrival , are facing serious questions by nation,media and especially by politicians about their clean and corruption free character. Many records are intended to reveal some corrupt acts of these members.Kiran Bedi's records are saying that she got money to travel in class but traveled in cheaper class to get rest of money . Khegrival is being accused of breaking bond in which he said that he work for the government for at least two years, but he worked for only one year. For this voilence he is being asked to pay dues of 9 lakh to the government.
I will not demand support for Kiran or Arvind but I want to aware all of you that the quest of LOKPAL should not loose strength because these facts maybe real but are presented to loose the strength of the movement, Kiran and Arvind may have done corrupt deeds but these records are being used by even more corrupts to degrade the gravity on LOKPAL . I say if you don't want to believe then don't believe any member of that organisation but PLEASE don't loose you tries and will to bring that bill. Than bill matters a lot and this is proved by the tense actions and trials of businessman and politicians. India need this Bill
Anna’s Hisar Play Anna Hazera demanded that not to vote congress if it does not shows positive signs of bringing Lokpal. Later his campaign on this topic became a political issue , since congress lost Hisar election. So is Anna going political?
The first think that we must understand here is that during these campaigns Anna in press conferences declared that both BJP and Congress are not serious about corruption, and both are trying to disrupt his image. So if Anna would be a supporter of RSS or BJP or any party then he would not have openly broadcasted such statements.
However, there is another question , Why then he did Hisar campaign ?
Answer is actually not easy to digest, maybe he did it tomanage pressure on congress. Last time , before Anna’s second
Let us peep some facts and history, Janlokpal is in standing committee of parliament , But standing committee is not PARLIAMENT! It means that standing committee just suggests to parliament and parliament is free to make his own agreements and disagreements over committee’s suggestions ! It may even reject the progress the bill made in standing committee and made its own reserch. Moreover there are some MPs who are still not willing to bring bill in country like LALU PRASHAD.
So if bill suffers in parliament then will Anna do another lengthy
Still, However I will not say that this campaign is not benefiting BJP.
But it maybe not the intentions of team Anna to benefit BJP, it maybe just the reverse effect of having only two main parties for national level, and in such condition if one party suffers other automatically gets benefits, so why to blame team Anna here?
Copyright: VinayakSharma
But it maybe not the intentions of team Anna to benefit BJP, it maybe just the reverse effect of having only two main parties for national level, and in such condition if one party suffers other automatically gets benefits, so why to blame team Anna here?
Copyright: VinayakSharma