Aam Aadmi Party staged a protested outside the Bhajanpura Police Station on the nigh of19th June 2013 after a married woman was raped here.
Later, after detaining activists for three days, they have been granted bail on June 23rd(Sunday) by the city court. However, despite granting bail, the volunteers were not released citing “technical” reasons.The eleven arrested male volunteers were produced in front of Shri Brijesh Garg, ASJ Kakardooma Court, who appreciated the right to protest as a fundamental right and held that AAP volunteers were protesting within their constitutionally guaranteed right.
Even though bail was granted to the 11 volunteers, Ms Harleen Singh, Metropolitan Magistrate of Karkardooma Court, did not accept the surety provided by the friends/ family members of 10 bailed out volunteers, while accepting surety of just one volunteer. Harleen singh has now ordered that the release of other 10 volunteers would be done at 2pm tomorrow afternoon after due verification of the soundness of the sureties.
Hundreds of AAP volunteers including Manish Sisodia and Gopal Rai reached Tihar Jail Gate No 3 to welcome Gulshan – the volunteer who was released today.
The point of Shame is that , media has not even notified this case to the public, not even a single line about this is shown in those damn news flashes !
(SEE Our analysis on the vacuum behavior of our media )
The woman, who was from Bihar, alleged that she was raped for three days in Bhajanpura.
The matter of protest is that the police has not registered a case yet.
However, Police claimed that an FIR was registered and two people have been arrested.
Even AAP activists were also detained after they held a protest outside the police station.
The arrested volunteers were rounded up and brutally beaten by Delhi Police.
On the night of June 19th, 15 AAP volunteers were picked up by police including 4 women volunteers. While the female volunteers were granted bail the next day the male volunteers were kept in custody despite serious injuries.
The arrested volunteers were rounded up and brutally beaten by Delhi Police.
On the night of June 19th, 15 AAP volunteers were picked up by police including 4 women volunteers. While the female volunteers were granted bail the next day the male volunteers were kept in custody despite serious injuries.
Even though bail was granted to the 11 volunteers, Ms Harleen Singh, Metropolitan Magistrate of Karkardooma Court, did not accept the surety provided by the friends/ family members of 10 bailed out volunteers, while accepting surety of just one volunteer. Harleen singh has now ordered that the release of other 10 volunteers would be done at 2pm tomorrow afternoon after due verification of the soundness of the sureties.
Hundreds of AAP volunteers including Manish Sisodia and Gopal Rai reached Tihar Jail Gate No 3 to welcome Gulshan – the volunteer who was released today.
The point of Shame is that , media has not even notified this case to the public, not even a single line about this is shown in those damn news flashes !
(SEE Our analysis on the vacuum behavior of our media )